Thursday, 4 July 2013

Poster Layout Design

The layout of our poster :

The chosen layout design for our poster can be called the "Z" Layout.

As it includes a headline which then leads the eyes down to the illustration which fills up all the empty middle space then logo (or tagline) at the bottom only shows the essential elements of our ads, and that is exactly what we wanted to do. 

We put our tagline at the bottom , then our illustration in the middle, and a small Mentos Marbles logo on the bottom right corner of out poster, because that way there is an emphasis on our illustrations as they are the main subject of our advertisements.

Definition of the “Z” Layout:
The “Z” layout is a popular design layout borrowed from advertising. In most print advertisements, the elements that must be included in the ad are the headline and the company name and the logo. These elements are often placed at the top and bottom of an ad, where the logo provides a stopping point for the eye and leads it back into the page. Think “Zorro.”

The two movie posters above show the “Z” layout. Both contain headlines that lead the eye from left to right across the top of the poster. In the Harry Potter poster to left, the diagonal line that leads the eye to the bottom left of the poster is more difficult to discern than the diagonal line created by Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in the “Gone With the Wind” poster, but the line is there in the diagonal shadows. The designer for the Potter poster created enough of a diagonal shadow line to lead the eye from bottom right back into Harry Potter’s silhouetted image. Brilliant.
In both posters, the bottom of the “Z” is used for pertinent movie information.

Unknown. 2008. Untitled. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 June 2013].

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